Why Another Lutheran Church?
Find out why Living Savior, a new church in Blair, has come to town.
Living Savior is very firmly committed to teaching God's Word to people exactly as it is found in the Bible, because God is the one who wrote it. What God says in his Word cannot be changed or altered in any way by people—no matter how unpopular it may seem in today's world! Jesus himself says in John 10:35 that “the Scripture cannot be broken.” Unlike the ideas and philosophies of sinful human beings, God's Word never fails, because it—like God himself—is perfect. Living Savior strives to acknowledge that standard of biblical inerrancy and to live and teach according to it in every way and at all times.
The teachings of the Bible are truthfully and accurately summarized in the Lutheran Confessions. Martin Luther (the 16th Century reformer ... not the 1960s activisit), as well as other gifted men who studied and loved God's Word, prepared these documents during the 16th Century Reformation in Germany. We hold to the teachings of the Lutheran Confessions, and so bear the name “Lutheran,” not because they are equal to the Bible, but because they represent and summarize what the Bible itself teaches. As a Lutheran church, we are also committed to preach and teach God's Word as we clearly find it in the Bible.
The Lutheran church does not only hold to the Bible, but it also puts God's Word into the hands of the people. When Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German in 1522, he made the Scriptures available to the common people (not just the clergy) for the first time in hundreds of years. The Lutheran church today continues to hold to this principle. God's Word is not just for those highly educated in it. God's Word is for all people to hear, to read, and to grow from it.